On the Frontline - Countering Disinformation in Georgia

We are pleased to present the latest publication of the Chavchavadze Center "On the Frontline - Countering Disinformation in Georgia", which provides practical guidance on how to combat disinformation. It explains different propaganda methods and effective ways of countering them in daily settings. The guide also examined ten examples of common Russian propaganda myths. For each myth, the guide shows the reality and exposes its falsehood.

"The best defense against disinformation is citizen awareness, which at the same time is one of the foundations of a resilient society. That is why we offer several myths/legends fabricated by Russian propaganda against Georgia and Georgia's international partners, the exposure of which is important for strengthening the ability of Georgian citizens to resist."

The brochure was prepared with the generous support of the NATO Public Diplomacy Division (NPDD) and published with the assistance of the University of Georgia.