On the Frontline - Countering Disinformation in Georgia

Georgia has been a testing ground for Russian disinformation, which has since spread to Western democracies. The Chavchavadze Center aims to counter disinformation in Georgia by sharing its expertise and innovative methods. The project will address the root causes of the problem and empower young leaders, journalists and citizens to effectively counter disinformation in real-life settings, thus also reducing polarization. The project aims to counter disinformation in Georgia by going beyond discovery and repudiation. It seeks to empower and train individuals to counter disinformation in their communities and engage and reintegrate those affected by it. The objective is to make Georgian society more resilient in the face of mounting disinformation.

The project targets youth, journalists, and citizens above the age of 45 who are susceptible to disinformation. The goal is to change attitudes towards disinformation and equip the target groups with necessary tools to counter and train others. The project aims to reach tens of thousands of people through various media channels.

Under the project, the Chavchavadze Center will publish a practical tool kit on how to counter disinformation and conduct in-depth training sessions for the target groups. It aims to find common ground with skeptical audiences, engage them and plant doubts in disinformation narratives. Journalists will help provide media coverage, and the Center will ensure maximum social media coverage. In addition to publishing the tool kit, the Center will conduct training sessions as well as produce informative vlogs and podcasts. It will also organize a conference with the participation of NATO experts and local and national media representatives. Approximately 100 well-trained opinion leaders and active citizens will be equipped to counter disinformation in Georgia. They will spread their knowledge through various channels, reaching tens of thousands of people.

By December 2023, a new group of opinion leaders in Georgia will actively combat disinformation using common tools and coordination. The Center's tool kit and trainings will play a central role in this effort.